News and Updates

  • ANU 2022-23 Results

    ANU 2022-23 Results Like every year, this was a wonderful journey of ANU season of year 2022-23. More than 400 kids enrolled in the program and completed the course successfully. The brief summary of the results is as follows – …

  • Avhaan Nirmaan Udaan 2023-24 Launch

    Avhaan Nirmaan Udaan 2023-24 Launch Avhaan- Nirmaan- Udaan is pioneering outdoor educational program for children of age group 10-16 yrs by Guardian Giripremi Institute of Acheter cialis en ligne france Mountaineering. Wherein children are introduced to nature and technical aspects…

  • Disaster Management & Outdoor Rescue Course

    First ever Certificate level course in Disaster Management & Outdoor Rescue in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University